Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Break

Well, I've found that I need a way to get away from the dissertation (or lack thereof) for a bit and think about things other than preaching and spiritual formation. So this is hopefully going to be a good outlet for me to organize my thoughts on a number of different issues.

Of course, I realize that there is an inherent danger in being a minister with a blog. There are all sorts of things that can be said on a blog that can be taken by parishoners, a board of ordained ministry, or other group and used for some agenda or another. It's a risk I'm willing to take, I suppose, since my conversation partners tend to be a bit spread out.

Anyway, this blog will cover many things: general life happenings, theological and philosophical musings, and - yes - even preaching and spiritual formation, where appropriate.

To all the folks who haven't heard from me in a while, I'm sorry. The dissertation process has been a stressful - and at far too many times a depressing - experience for me. There have been far too many days of "cabin fever" where I have never left the apartment, but haven't gotten any real work done.

For a brief update:
Moving to Savannah June 18 to be the new associate minister at Wesley Monumental
Our son (tentatively named Christopher) is due September 8

For more, check out http://www.kellymac.blogspot.com.

Off to try my new self-care resolution and hit the path at the greenway. Until later!

1 comment:

Me said...

Hey honey - I'll update my blog if you'll update yours!